Shadow of Mordor… Everyone and their grandmother said this game was the shit of shits back in 2014. So me being a cheap-ass gamer who waits for most things to go down in price, I decided to wait and eventually picked it up in 2015. Pre-Hype Blues I kept hearing about how amazing the nemesis system was and why this was the reason I needed to play this game. I kept hearing about how it had amazing combat, how it took the Assassin’s Creed and Batman Arkham series’ schtick and perfected the formula with unprecedented freedom. Oh boy! So I load up the game, get into a little skirmish and yes the combat is a little Batman-y. That’s sweet because at the time I had played two of those games and knew how to seriously kick some ass in that framework. My first outing I see a group of orcs and I’m thinking, “Noice! mother fuckers are bout to get werked.’ So I run over, waving my sword in the air and screaming the void-words of the fallen fathers of Gondor and g...